Friday 11 March 2011

Video clip captured during Japan Massive Earth Quake日本東北地方太平洋沖地震 発生時

 A ferocious tsunami spawned by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, killing hundreds of people as it swept away boats, cars and homes while widespread fires burned out of control. A video clip captured by a resident clearly can see how destructive is the earthquake, making the people running and panic like world going to end. 

The massive earthquake took few minutes and you can see the furniture, the things messed up and dropped to the floor like the movie scene in 2012. This scary massive earth quake carry the magnitude-8.9 offshore quake unleashed a 23-foot (seven-meter) tsunami and was followed by more than 50 aftershocks for hours, many of them of more than magnitude 6.0. Click the picture to see the video by yourself

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