Monday 4 March 2013

Sabah Stand-off, action finally taken

The PM Datuk Najib Razak finally take action to attack the Sulu Military group after negotiation failed with them which has taken more than 3 weeks and killed 7 Malaysian policeman during the time. On the other hand, around 20 Sulu Military killed during the fire fighting with local special police force.  Now, the action is  given to Malaysian military and special force police group to take whatever necessary actions ( from earth, air and sea) to ensure Sabah land and people are protected.

The Sabah people especially Lahad Datu, Semporna and now extended to Kampung Tanduo now in high alert. Most of the people are moved out from this area due to high risk and threat of their safety. Hospital is being standby to receive the injured or casualties in this action.

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